Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ways To Be Helpful

I found this link today while looking through some job search blogs and e-mails. It's pretty much common sense, but, sometimes, when one has been laid off, it's hard to see the big picture right away. A friendly word of encouragement, especially from someone who has been there before, is always a good thing.

Right now, unemployment is the worse it has been in over 20 years. And you will have a lot of friends losing jobs or having their hours cut or being bought out of contracts. It's just a fact. And if you are in a position to be of a little help, then please do. I have been very lucky in these past several months that I have a lot of friends who have not been affected by the "economic downturn" and those same friends are absolutely wonderfully supportive - from the friend who buys me a drink to the friend who gives too much cab fare to the friends who take me out for a nice dinner after I babysit. For these friends, I realize that these are little things. But to me, they are a big deal. And I really appreciate them. And, were I employed and they on the other side of the equation, I hope they know I would do the same for them.

It's so easy to get depressed when you are unemployed. It's so easy to feel like you are unproductive. It's so easy to feel like you are adding nothing to society. It's so easy to not want to get out of your pajamas all day because, after all, what's the point. But, having a working friend invite you to meet them for lunch (or midday coffee) or the like is always a good thing. And it's always nice to get out of the house. I have one friend who will invite me to an early lunch/late breakfast every month or so. So I get up earlier than I would normally. I do my normal morning activities. And I meet him at a time that I would normally be sitting on the couch, sipping my first cup of coffee and catching up with Martha. And then I do stuff. And I feel pretty productive. Because I am out and about. I'm dressed. I've got makeup on. So why not get on with the day and do a few things?

And speaking of ... today I am not having one of those days ... so I gotta get a move on!

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