Monday, December 14, 2009

Talking To Strangers

The other day, gentle readers, your MatchGirl was perusing her Twitter feed and saw this reposted by friend of Unemployed Brooklyn Jewliweb:
Love it! RT @agartka Networking is about doing what your mother told you to never do . . .talk to strangers. 12:33 PM Dec 10th from web

How very true.

So many things in our lives these day hinge on that, no? Looking for a job, these days, is so much more than replying to posts on Craigslist and Monster and whatever other job boards you are perusing for your particular industry. It's talking to people and meeting new people and, most importantly, talking to people who you don't know at all. And being clear about what you are looking for. You never know when a friend of a friend is going to know someone. And you need to shake that fear of speaking up and saying what you want. It's the only way to get anywhere.

So, dear ones, I don't know about you, but I am gonna start talking to a lot more strangers.

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